

dearest one, i want to be unhinged by you, with you... do you feel the joy bursting from behind these doors, within these old walls, like a carefree child waiting at the front door, hands pressed, craving the first morning light? how effortlessly our bodies move...

Beyond the Unknown

what happens when enlightenment is no longer enough? reapers like to sing "I don't know" below my bed. death is easy, dying, a looped crucible. I thought I would find you in the middle, somewhere between two extremes, but you're outside of them entirely, aren't you?...

Questions for an Unknown Love

has the fire consumed you? have you seen yourself in the light that melts mirrors? do your shadows dance before you, speaking in tongues through broken glass? has pain suffocated you to the limits of surrender, bequeathed new lungs to you so you could truly taste...

I Need to Be Forgotten to Live

I need to be forgotten to live, in death you will know me. please, dear one, do not grasp for me we are both sad, I know, I am sorry for this, but life will forgive a letting go that is pure, and I will return not as you knew me not as my memories would like, but as a...

The Budding of a Man

your love vibrates and shimmers through the pentimenti of the man I used to be, illuminating the man I am becoming: translucent, shedding skin, in both directions I am awakening. your sweet strength, your tremulous tenderness, carried by oceans, unseen but felt...

Rest Easy

i have unshakable conviction in the force of your ascent, burning within you, seeking daylight through your fluid movement ~ rest easy, it needs nothing save your willingness and fortitude. and their proof, dear one, their proof has long been smoldering beneath your...

Listen to the Calling of Your Resurrection

you search for a home cycling between the death of perspective and the murder of emotion rapt and crying, lying on the mirror of hope endless grasping for what would bring it all down, release you into something more, so you seek this: the chimera of stability spray...

Symphony of Seasons

one by the grace of a mystery beyond my grasp, these hands found their way in you to massage your heart ever so briefly - yet you already know it has never stopped, merely respiring under the dark night of grief, and it will love more than it has ever known beginning...

The Friction of Duality

an exposed wound not meant to heal... a reminder, a companion.... ....a calling from the friction of duality because bliss would be too simple.... I have chosen this: to embrace the pain of distant memories lost in my body, to be unearthed by the winds of emotions...