I will not wallow at the threshold of freedom with pain knocking at this door I will not cover myself with veils of fear with pain knocking knocking at this door I will not retreat beneath the floor of comfort with pain knocking knocking knocking at this door I will,...
With You…
I feel love tracing itself around our skin, with paints, water colors, and pens, fate and serendipity are laughing and kissing beneath our skin, filling our bodies, birthing a movement from within: so choiceless only the blossoms of spring can understand and listen......
Touch and Go
there are so many of you, beautiful and mysterious... touch and go, touch and go... I want to hold you all, but I let you go, and before I can mourn, another is born... there are so many of you, filling me with joy and the pain of letting you go, letting you go, and...
god is pouring out of everything i saw her hiding in your words, holding a dusty mirror... when will the mystery see itself? i see her, i see her i see you god is pouring out of everything she's living in your scars, holding a post card, reading a lost poem you wrote...
Know Don’t Know
what lives in silence and storms, in the absence of desire and devotion to form? Know don't know. what beckons in the heart of questions, in the movement of breath and resolved expression? Know don't know. what shines on open arms and open face, in budding romance and...
When Searching Ends
When searching ends, evaporating a relentless fog, releasing its dogged grip on the senses, the heart and mind are redolent with curiosity and a desire to touch all things… ah, breathe in the simplicity of being here! In this quietude can be heard the roars of this...
No Awakening
No before or after awakening, just this, neverending, with no resting point... …life is an enigmatic mystery cast upon my heart, never for me to fully know... God has become my shadow, God has become my light, Earth is taking me as her walking stick, Heaven and Hell...
Finally, I'm ready to embrace you, lost child, shaky as my hands are... I need your help. I've not looked you in the eyes for so long, but you've never forgotten us, not for a single day... and though I faintly remember the sound of your voice, your laughter, your...
A Return
I don't want to let the world in... I fear my body cannot hold it all... but what choice do I have: it will crush me from the outside, and fold me within its kosmic impossibility. Love is determined without exception. so I breathe... I breathe.... I lift and move my...