Reality is radically personal and radically impersonal. Reality is radically personal in that every experience in our lives IS the ultimate, is God. We do not need to leave any experience, retreat from anything or anyone in order to find or directly experience...
Ryan Oelke
Love is My Lungs
Love is my lungs breathing paradox, filtering contraction, wisdom passes ceaselessly into my being as surrender births my movement... continually reborn anew my eyes become the sunlight that awakens the untended garden in your heart, the shadows of seasons no longer...
I Am The Penetrating Darkness
I am the penetrating darkness, decisive moments ripping through time, a gift from madness, igniting photographs from behind, flipping and searing lines, 'as below, as above', collecting broken frames in your negative space that has become the foreground of my love
A Rebirth in the Death of Statues
I've polished the marble of these statues for far too long hoping one day they might move, but as magnificent as they are, our conversations have grown stale... I feel the beauty in your eyes taking in the life that boils from inside my heart, this endless river that...
The Pregnant Unknown
The Pregnant Unknown trails softly behind us: Love's secret voice whispering, even begging us to surrender hesitancy, that precarious net new lovers hold while wading barefoot in shallow waters... ...this tide gently pulls us further, Love offers us the gift of...
Suspended Crystals
suspended crystals, defining and uprooting our hearts, we are endless raindrops tracing fractals from the inside, absorbing the divine scent with our every move hoping the next incorporeal body of Love will shapeshift our being, making us a mystery unto ourselves once...
Cracked Door to Your Heart
The serpent has made its way up my spine and is looking for his tail behind the hissing in your shadows while I am open arms, surrendering at the cross point of all the edges inside myself, breathing into my body the subtle glances you graciously and shyly offer me...
No More Fighting
I was fighting a battle not even God could conquer when I heard a whisper: "No more fighting"... I dropped my sword and found myself suddenly staring at a kiss print in a mirror, Hallelujah! All the blood I've shed from self-inflicted wounds came rushing back and...
Up and Down in God
An Angel pulled me out of my body tonight, so I could see God. As quickly as my eyes were filled with light, she plummeted me back into my chest so I could feel God. And in a flash of heartache I knew myself. I knew you. If my lungs weren't filled with feathers I'd...